Implementation Assessment Center

Implementation Assessment Center


Municipal Court Assessments

In the past few years, attention has been focused on municipal courts and the alleged racial disparity that takes place. Specifically, the focus has been on whether or not minority defendants are afforded the same treatment as non-minority defendants in and out of the courtroom. The Del Carmen Consulting team has a vast amount of experience in studying municipal court processes in order to identify areas of concern and vulnerability. We have a vast amount of experience in assisting municipalities across the United States in determining areas where the court could improve in terms of process and documentation. Further, we also help identify if in fact, disparity is taking place. We will deliver a professional and objective report which highlights our findings, including our analysis and recommendations.

City Council & Board Presentations

For the past 28 years, the Del Carmen Consulting group has made national and international presentations on the findings related to academic studies and evaluations of police patterns and practices. These presentations have been made before city councils, boards, command staff members, and government officials. We are ready to assist you and your agency in making a presentation before your local governing authority.


Grant Writing

It is estimated that thousands of dollars in grant funds are lost each year by qualified police agencies who lack the expertise or staff to seek external funding. Del Carmen Consulting™ is able to assist you in seeking grant funds that can help you improve conditions in your respective agency. Funds are often available to assist police agencies in acquiring technology and other related equipment. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you obtain outside funds.